Thursday, May 15, 2008

Problems, Problems, Problems!

The world is full of problems. Pollution, global warming, terrorism, the list goes on and on. Students need to choose a world problem to research. They need to gather facts, figures, pictures, and one video clip. Using Movie Maker, which comes free with Windows, students need to put all of their research together to make a movie about the topic they are researching. The movie will be set to music and show the research they have collected. To add a personal touch, using the digital video camera, they will also need to record and introduction and conclusion for their movie starring themselves.

The finished products will be shown to the entire class. Not only are students learning more about Movie Maker and Internet research, but they learn how to save video clips off of sites such as YouTube and even convert those files to use in various Microsoft products that we use in class.

The students have a lot of fun with this project and the results are great!

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