Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2nd Semester Off to a Great Start!

The second semester here at SHS is off and running. Successfully! I have made the transition from teaching three classes of all freshmen to teaching three classes of all upper-classmen. My Programming class is working on Unit 2, which deals with the use of variables and constants. We have made switch from Visual Basic 6 to VB Express 2008 which you can download free at home. While it is very similar in some respects, it can also be very different. I probably have more problems switching than the students. (Insert the can't teach an old dog new tricks joke here.)

My Desktop Publishing (DTP) classes have completed a Photoshop review and are learning how to use a vector graphics drawing program by Adobe called Illustrator. In addition, we have been talking about the five Elements of Graphic Design as we get ready to study logos.